~Unconditional love~
The Human species
protect and provide beyond our lifetime.
That is our Evolutionary Advantage.
we pass on wealth, property and position in society
privilege, connections, collections and club memberships
knowledge, expertise, faith and ideas
curiosity, compassion, respect and understanding,
And above all the capacity to give and receive love
We don’t like to acknowledge good in others and
find every excuse to discredit
We discount love and humanity in
acts of kindness where
money, power, privilege and influence
flow in abundance.
We can’t see clearly,
for we refuse to see carefully;
refuse to observe;
refuse to question;
refuse to reflect;
refuse to explore alternatives.
Our culture is not one of love;
it is a control culture.
like a grotesque, hostile Frankenstein that
spews toxic waste
all over the place;
and coerces all and sundry
to extol its countless imaginary merits.
A despicable monstrosity that seeks
bucolic havens to turn into wasteland.
It wipes out green pastures and
leaves vast trails of mud pots behind him, complete with
ghastly rotten egg smell.
unconditional love is at once natural and unnatural;
for we can all recognise it when we see it;
acknowledge it as a common goal;
but we cannot convert perceived good into
a real good.
Unconditional love is a triptych :
You receive it; observe it up close; finally you give it.
It cannot be learned any other way.
Without receiving it, you can’t appreciate its lift;
without observing it, you cannot perceive what gives it lift;
without giving it, you cannot express the best version of yourself.
The three are hinged together for a reason;
if you don’t open the triptych,
you can only look at the exterior - of people receiving and giving love.
open the triptych and you get a glimpse of heaven;
And examine the realm of the mystic.
Here you do reconnaissance
as an onlooker: gather information on what draws love out of us
and learn how love manifests itself.
Love and narcissism are polar opposites;
two sides of the same coin.
Both feed itself; suppress the other;
vying to become a construct that
reinforces itself into eternity.
Love embraces all it encounters;
narcissism controls all it encounters.
Where you find love, narcissism cannot reach you.
Each is negatively defined by the other;
just like life and death.
We have in us,
each and every one of us,
what it takes to receive love,
to deliver love,
to deliver ourselves from the wickedness
that threaten our wellbeing.
For just like the applications and limitations
of universal theory,
they are necessarily mutually exclusive.
application of any theory cannot be excluded;
limitation of any theory cannot be included;
for that is the nature of studying science.
The stronger the application,
the fewer and the smaller the limitations;
the weaker the application,
the more and the larger the limitations;
As is manifest in all natural phenomenon.
In a carton of eggs,
selected to be sold by weight
most weigh roughly the same,
Yet we still weigh out whites
for making macarons which require precise measurements
We know nature intends some have larger yolks;
some smaller yolks;
and some two yolks.
whites are the negative material of the yolks of life;
together they make up the whole egg;
for they cannot escape the confines
of the membrane and shell.
In separating a raw egg,
one must remove the chalaza,
the stringy white material
connecting the yolk to the white,
for it has no purpose in cooking.
Unlike the yolk, it adds no flavour;
unlike the white, it provides no elasticity;
for it has no purpose in death.
In life, it is the vital connection between yolk and white,
without which there is to be no new life.
If it makes its way into a custard with the yolk,
it ruins the smooth, velvety texture;
if it makes its way into a soufflé,
it ruins the delicate, airy texture;
for it serves one purpose only.
It is an analog solo-function device,
the most humble tool we were given,
yet the most powerful weapon
ever known to humanity.
You always need to borrow tools
for leverage; from the most basic mundane household chores,
to the most complex global-village projects.
To turn a slippery knob,
you could use both hands and
assist the grip with an extra towel;
to open a tightly capped plastic bottle,
you could use both hands and
slip towel between dominant hand and cap.
To organise a properly functioning stock market,
you need more than just buyers and sellers -
you need infrastructure to ensure fair trading;
to organise an Olympic Games,
you need more than just players on both sides -
you need proper platform with umpires.
These are the connective tissues
of the workings of the universe.
To deliver love, we need our one connective tissue:
our heart, the solo-function device.
It exists solely to pump blood.
That is our delivery from narcissism to love.
That is our delivery from control to compassion.
That is our delivery from this world to the next.
Love conquers all.
Love protects all.
Love embraces all.
I have a Vision.
A shallow dome of
a delicate gold veil
floats on thin air
over the cityscape,
disintegrates into shimmering flecks
that glisten and mesmerise,
then releases fragrant fresh air
into the very still atmosphere.