Poor little rich girl
Exhausted from stalking her elusive Ghost
Exhausted by this surreal and tiresome life
Exhausted by the suffocating lonesome existence
Being Surrounded by
People who insist she is mentally ill
People who pretend she is mentally ill
Denied her birthright
Denied her precious toys
Denied her sanity
No way to find her Protector
No way to swim in her money
No way to tell the true story
She sees no hope in the rising Sun
She sees no peace in the rising moon
She sees no faith in the starry night
She finds company in isolation
She finds safety in the far corners of the unknown
She finds solace in aimless wandering
What is the point of
Having so much when
Having so little
What is the point of eloquence
Not a living soul to talk to
What is the point of it all
Darkness, despair and desolation converge
As if to reinforce an ancient curse
That stripped the wind beneath her clipped wings
Thunderstorms in the ears drown the choir of angels
Poisonous fumes expels the subtle scent of grass
Sweet caramel turns sour in its lingering aftertaste
What is the point of it all
A golden girl born of chameleons
A heart forever seeking safe harbour