~ Gifts of betrayal ~
In a far away land
Never before blessed by the True North
Lives a tribe called Pinocchio.
They lie, and cheat, and can’t be taxed;
For greed is an overwhelming consuming passion.
so dire is their righteous claims
That toiletries bags and tea towels change hands,
With hidden messages and dishonourable intentions
just to conjure tempests in a teacup.
The pure of heart sacrifice innocence for knowledge;
Of utmost dishonesty, disloyalty and disrespect.
Of treachery and betrayal
Of disgusting abuse of trust and friendship.
like a delicate camellia,
Innocence , once plucked, is forever gone.
gifts, once tarnished, are forever dreaded.
Sisters, once unmasked, are forever loathed.
For I now realise why some choose to walk alone,
Not for lack of company
But for lack of sincerity.
If only one can unlearn subhuman motives
Or uneat contaminated foods…
Pay up or shut the fuck up.